CaLM Control and Laser Monitoring System

Monitor and Control Laser Safety status of numerous labs from one point
View all wavelengths in use on one screen

The CaLM System features a large monitor that can view and control all aspects of the Laser Interlock System including:

  • Status of all Interlock Switches

  • Status of all E-Stops

  • Status of ICS-9 Interlock Controller

  • Status of all shutters and DBS

  • Wavelengths of accessible lasers

On a large screen, the CaLM System can monitor and control an entire interlocked laboratory. This provides users with the convenience and security of working in laser-controlled areas. The CaLM is made up of a control box and a large screen monitor that are linked to the Interlock System of the laboratory.

Each CaLM system is unique because each laboratory setup is unique. Laboratory layouts are custom programmed to replicate the unique layout and equipment of the customer. A simple laboratory layout is shown below.

The color coding on the messages is Green when the Interlock controlled is not armed, Amber when the Interlock controlled is armed and all interlocks are closed, and Red when any shutter is open. The presence of open shutters indicates that the laser beam is visible.

The diagram below depicts four optical tables, each with two laser beam shutters. All of the windows and doors are interlocked. The screen displays all statuses.

Roller Blinds and Doors can open
All E-STOPS are closed
All Shutters and Distribution Boxes are closed
All Roller Blinds and Doors are closed
Shutters and Distribution Boxes can open
Laser wavelength in use is indicated

All screen display features can be customized to meet your requirements, and all laser safety information can be displayed on the large screen monitor.

Check out this short video to learn more about the CaLM System.

Simplified CaLM Display at University of Oxford Denys Wilkinson Building

The CaLM display can be configured to show only the most relevant information for a more simplified view.

The following is an illustration of a large laser laboratory installation with multiple lasers operating independently of one another. Keeping track of the status of each laser in each lab and determining which laser is active at any given time would be difficult in a typical setup. The display screen greatly simplifies the complex logic of the laser system, and color coding indicates which labs are safe to enter and which are not.

Also displayed is the necessary laser information, such as wavelength, power, and mode of operation.

CaLM for ICS-Buddy

The CaLM System works in tandem with Lasermet’s portable Laser Safety Interlock® Controller, the ICS-Buddy. The CaLM serves as a large-screen display monitor, while the ICS-Buddy serves as the remote Interlock controller. The ICS-Buddy can control laser beam shutters from anywhere, eliminating the need to go to the physical laser shutter mounted on the laser to press a button.

The ICS-Buddy is a portable tablet that replicates Lasermet’s ICS Interlock® Controller. Furthermore, the ICS-Buddy includes the Logic View feature, which displays an interactive visual map of the logic diagram for complex systems.

Logic View

CaLM for Laser Jailer

The Laser Jailer Active Guarding system can also be displayed on the CaLM System. CaLM for Laser Jailer displays the location of active guarding tiles in an Active Laser Enclosure rather than monitoring a laser laboratory.

This simplifies fault detection and troubleshooting in large systems.

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Interlock® is a UK Registered Trade Mark of Lasermet