Glaser Jailer

Active Laser Safety Window
The Glaser Jailer is a fail-safe safety system that enables high powered lasers to be switched off virtually immediately if the laser beam inadvertently strikes the window. It is suitable for all laser powers, wavelengths, and waveforms. The Glaser Jailer system isolates the laser safety input within 50ms of an inadvertent laser window strike, rendering the laser safe.
  • Interlock® safety
  • Suitable for Class 1 Laser Enclosures
  • Certified to BS EN IEC 60825-4

Glaser Jailer, which is often installed in the Laser Castle Laser Safety Cabin’s panels or doors, is linked to the Interlock® control system to provide safe viewing of laser welding processes from the outside of the cabin.

This enables multi-kilowatt lasers (up to 10kW) safe for use in welding, cutting, and cladding, protecting both adjacent infrastructure and people from injury. All laser strengths, wavelengths, and waveforms are compatible with the Glaser Jailer window.

Offering a comprehensive active solution, it is integrated with the Lasermet Laser Jailer active laser guarding system. This patented technology, which is currently in use all over the world, is innovative and has undergone testing and validation.

When the laser is operating, the Interlock® control system continuously monitors the Glaser Jailer windows. A strong laser directed right at the window will cause the Interlock® controller to activate, turning off the laser. The laser safety input is isolated by this failsafe technique in less than 50 ms.

After a direct hit, the window should be replaced, but only after the cause of the hit has been determined and corrective action has been taken to keep it from happening again.

A4 Size10.87 x 14.49in
(8.27 x 11.69in viewing area)
Full Size32.68 x 24.8in
(30.32 x 22.44in viewing area)

Custom sizes are available to meet customer requirements.


Glaser Jailer can be incorporated into, and form part of, a certified Class 1 Laser Enclosure (for multi-kW Class 4 lasers) conforming to BS EN IEC 60825-4.


10.87 x 14.49in
(8.27 x 11.69in viewing area)
32.68 x 24.8in
(30.32 x 22.44in viewing area)

Patents for Lasermet Active Guarding Technology

US Patent No. 8 416 820
European Patent No. 2 592 326 CH+LI DE FR GB IE NL SE
Australian Active Window Patent 2012202599

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Interlock® is a UK Registered Trade Mark of Lasermet