Standard Doors

For Laser Castle or stand-alone systems

These standard doors are available as built-in additions to the Laser Castle. The passive guards are certified to BS EN IEC 60825-4 safety of Laser Products Part 4: Laser Guards. Several door options are available to suit a variety of applications:

  • Personnel Door
  • Double Door
  • Sliding Door

These standard doors are manually operated but for larger doors, automatic operation may be necessary. Automatic operation involves the use of a push button and motor to open and close the door.

Passive and Active Guarding

All door panels are certified to BS EN IEC 60825-4 Safety of Laser Products Part 4: Laser Guards. Laser filter windows can also be fitted to the doors to allow viewing of the laser room.

For higher power applications, the door panels can be fitted with Lasermet’s Laser Jailer or Glaser Jailer for added protection. Using these active guards, any stray laser beam hitting the panel will disarm the laser automatically. Additional interlock equipment is required in this configuration.

Safety Standards

Lasermet panels meet fire safety requirements to ASTM E84-16 and EN 13823 Level C.

Standard Door Sizes

The sizes listed below are standardised and any deviations to the listed sizes are considered custom order.

Part NumberDescriptionClear Opening
Panel Thickness
LD-10082-00Single Door (Right-sided handle)886 x 2050mm100mm
LD-10085-00Single Door (Right-sided handle)896 x 2050mm50mm
LD-1003-00Double Door1860 x 2050mm100mm
LD-10084-00Double Door1886 x 2050mm50mm
LD-10090-00Single Sliding Door1800 x 2500mm100mm
LD-10093-00Single Sliding Door2800 x 2500mm100mm
LD-10091-00Single Sliding Door1900 x 2500mm50mm
LD-10094-00Single Sliding Door2900 x 2500mm50mm
LD-10095-00Double Sliding Door3700 x 2500mm100mm

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Interlock® is a UK Registered Trade Mark of Lasermet